Friday, July 12, 2013

Weathering Magazine - "MUD" Issue 5 - with my Tiger I...

Close to premiere of 5th issue of "The Weathernig Magazine" published by AK-Interactive - I'm proud to write that my Tiger I is inside that issue - you can find it on page 36 to 39.
I want to thanks AK-Interactive team for that great opportunity :) Thanks AK !!

Niebawem premiera najnowszego numeru "The Weathering Magazine" AK-Interactive.
W numerze znajdziecie mojego Tygrysa I - strony od 36 do 39
Dzięki wielkie ekipie AK-Interactive za możliwość publikacji - DZIĘKI AK !

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

German STZ is done...

Artilerieschlepper STZ 601(r) is done. I've add some resin cargo parts and gums from Flak 88. 

Model gotowy, dodałem troszkę żywic na ładunek i gumy z Flaka 88.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Artillerieschlepper STZ 601(r) ... under construction...

Another Vulcan kit on my desk... this time in German version. With my resin product: Winter radiator cover. Need cargo and trailer now. Soon more photos.

Kolejny model firmy Vulcan. tym razem w wersji niemieckiej. Dodatkowo żywiczna osłona chłodnicy. Teraz pora na ładunek i przyczepę. Wkrótce więcej fotek.