Tuesday, February 28, 2012

RSO/01 with snow plow... creating plow mechanism...

Yes, It's alive... old Italeri kit with inverted magic tracks from newest Dragon kit... Now need some polystyrene to create snow plow mechanism... love that kind of work :)...

Monday, February 27, 2012

My kits in Bytom Modelling Contest...

Great contest in Bytom (Poland)... a lot of model shops, good organizations and the best people !

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Next Mercedes... L3000 again... Holzgas :)...

Italeri's mixed kits with Signifer resin wheels set and RB Model indicator bars... painting in progress...

Monday, February 20, 2012

Rails prepared...

Hello. I've just done rails. Because I painted them using artistic oil paint - they need to dry. Now It's time for finalize Mercedes L4500 rail truck.

Ground level... after dry brush...

Now ground is nearly done, rest of operations on this level will be done at the end of building.

Metal pole... ready...

Metal pole after wash, base stone after wash and dry brush. I add some rust effect on base metal plate.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Nest step... base after wash...

I used artistic oil paints dark wash in few different tones. Also before that I've painted stones nearly rails using light stone grey color. So now I can see different with normal ground. Now time for dry brush and painting rails.

Miniart's metal pole ready for painting...

Concrete block with metal plate was left from Verlinden's crane used on Mercedes L3000 base. Now it is perfect base for my pole.

How to create ground on base...

For ground with different rocks I used: Wood filler, fast dry glue for wood, gravel and two different gravel types special for our modelling purposes. I used wood glue for upper areas ( also to mount rails on styrofoam elevation ). All lower areas was covered wood filler ( it's great filler because it a little granular structure and after dry it looks like dry sand). When I do that I've started to laying gravel. And of course need to press that layer using fingers. After that need to wait for dry, It takes few hours ( my base spent two days near by hot radiator ). And now I've painted it with few different sand colors paints. Now waiting for oil wash and stones painting.

"My first diorama" project.... creating ground


I want to show my first diorama project. It's photo after painting ground. Two empty places are left for three Tiger I hulls ( production stage ). Also I'm building Mercedes L4500 Rail truck, I want to put that on railroad. And I want to thanks Mr. Adam Wilder for photos of my "inspirations" work. Next photo update in few hours :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Braille scale blog... by me :)


I want to invite you all to my new blog: Braille scale blog. It's still under construction. But I have a lot of great projects and ideas for share with you.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mercedes L3000... on base photos...

Final photos... just need figure and just need learn to paint one :)

Mercedes L3000 Fuel Transporter, 1942

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mercedes L3000... Fuel Transporter...

Tamiya's old Mercedes L3000 kit ( repack Italeri ) mixed with actual Tamiya's 3-ton truck... so still from the box :) With extra Bison Decals - 18th Panzer Division Fuel Transporter...
Base also in production...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Panzer I in Libya 1942... final photos.........

Panzer I Ausf. A
Dragon 6289 just from the box. Because It's 1942,I built that vehicle as a "veteran" panzer with a lot of signs of using.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Panzer I. workin'... Base final photo...

Just done. Base for DAK Panzer I in Libya.

Visitors milestone... 30k......

Thanks for lookin' here, comments and great blogs, that you've made modellers !!!
Place for our great passion :)

Regards from Poland
Przemyslaw Mrozek

Friday, February 3, 2012

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Double Blitz trucks...

2x Italeri. Wheels will be changed. Need front lights (will use Royal Model). Now time for painting :)