Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ford V3000 S/SSM Maultier with Flak 38 Late - built !

Hello !

The built is done. I resigned to use snow. And as you can see - only two figures are built. So probably that is my last work in 2010 year.

Good luck everyone in 2011:

Glory to God in highest heaven,
Who unto man His Son hath given;
While angels sing with tender mirth,
A glad new year to all the earth
Martin Luther King


Now I built figures, heads on work. I painted white one element of Ford's box. Now I need some leafs and snow.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

ready for figures...

Hello !

Next step is done : base. Maybe not to much detailed, but looks nice with truck. Now I will built figures. Three or four german soldiers in winter clothing.

creating the base...

Hello !
I found a perfect piece of wood for barge base. It will be more grass used, but now I'm preparing base for Vallejo Still Water.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

German Flak Barge vol.2 - workin'...

And this is my second German Flak Barge. First volume you can find in Scale Military Modeller International magazine (Volume 39, Issue 456, March 2009). I used Flak 38 from Tristar, the barge is Verlinden resin, also I use resin accessories, and figures. And after that I do small lake for that.

Ford V3000 S/SSM Maultier - Flak 38 Late version photo - done

Hi !
Ok, so Flak 38 - late version is ready, nearly. Just one thing - metalize the barrel. And use some pigments on mounting. I use few sheels (cal. 20mm - RBmodel), ammo casettes, and few details. Now I need base for it. Flak 38 - Tristar great kit !

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Live from my workshop: Ford V3000 S/SSM Maultier

This is my new work - converted V3000 from ICM to Maultier from Italeri. Only Ford cabine and front wheels was used from standard box, rest is from Italeri kit. Chassis is longer than standard by 1,1 cm. Next truck will be supported with metal tracks. Now it's time for Flak 38.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas !!

Love, Peace and Joy came down on earth on Christmas day to make you happy and cheerful. May Christmas spread cheer in your lives!

Przemyslaw Mrozek

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

New ICM Ford V3000 S

Hello Hooo Hooo Hooo !
I've nearly done brand new Ford V3000 S truck from ICM.
I must said - kit is not perfect, truly it looks like not done yet, few elements was forget.
There is no tool holders and wipers, any tarpaulin. Wheels are poor.
But cab is good detail for even Tamiya chassis, conversions etc.
Now I need cargo load, some dirt, dry mud, and nice base.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Dragon Model of the Month October on

Opel Blitz Kfz.385 Kasselwagen

Awarded - 2nd place in October DMoM on

Thanks for votes !

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Przyczepa gotowa /Trailer ready

Jak widać, przyczepka gotowa, kolej na malowanie działa. Potem pigmenty i model wyląduje na podstawce. Nie miałem większych kłopotów ze sklejeniem wózka, mimo kilkudziesięciu minut poświęconych szlifowaniu elementów - model jest tego wart.


As you can see, trailer is built and painted, next I must paint cannon. And after that I use some pigments.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

PAK 43 gotowy do malowania / PAK 43 ready for painting

88mm PAK 43 ALAN'a to dobry model. Zawsze mi się podobał, więc wykonałem go ponownie. Elementy są świetnej jakości, a cena nie bije po oczach. Jednak warto mieć pod ręką spory zapas szpachlówki.


ALAN's 88mm PAK 43 is good kit. I always like it, very nice quality for low price. However better have a lot of putty to use.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Magiczny konkurs modelarski w Lublinie / Magical model contest in Lublin

V Lubelskie Spotkania Modelarskie 23-24.10.2010r.

Magiczny weekend w Lublinie. Był to świetny konkurs, najlepsza organizacja, świetni ludzie i oczywiście cała masa pięknych modeli. Do zobaczenia za rok... o tej samej porze, w tym samym miejscu !

Magic weekend in Lublin. That was great contest, great organisation, great people and of course a lot of beautiful models. See you again... same time, same place !

Monday, October 11, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Gotowy / Done

Tiger I - Belgium, summer '44
Kit: Italeri (newest + p.e. parts from the box)
Eduard metal barrel

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Brudne kocury / Dirty kitties


Kocury troszkę pobrudziłem, łoszyk z olejnych Abteilungów nawet jakoś wygląda. Teraz powalczę ze "stalowymi" kołami.


Hi !

Kitties are dirty now, wash is done using Abteilung 502 oil paints, looks nice. Now painting of "steel" wheels.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Kamuflaż / Camouflage

Joł !

Walnąłem kamo na Tigerach, poćwiczyłem i moim ledwo żyjącym aerografem za 5 dych, zrobiłem uważam dobre kamo. Teraz pora na obicia.


Yooo !

I've just painted camouflage on my Tigers, some training and using my dying airbrush I've made nice camo, I think. Now lets gettt readyyy for chippings.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Treningowe kociaki / Training cats


Mam 5 miesięcy, aby poprawić troszkę warsztat malarski na lutowy konkurs w Bytomiu. Postanowiłem poćwiczyć na większych modelach. Wybór padł na dwa ostatnie Tygrysy z Italeri, jakość jest dość kiepska, ale do ćwiczeń efektownego malunku idealne. Chociaż Italeri zaczęła dawać kilka podstawowych blaszek w swoich zestawach.


Welcome !

I've got only 5 months to upgrade my painting techniques, before February contest in Bytom. I decide to practice on bigger kits. Choose was made: two latest Tigers from Italeri, quality is poor, but for impressive painting - perfect. At least Italeri starts to giving few p.e. parts in the box.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Nadal walczę.../ still fighting...





Dziś kolejny etap przygody z tym ciekawym modelem. Postaram sie już za moment ukończyć i dopasować pozostałe, brakujące elementy. Ponadto szukam pomysłu na ładunek. Może jakiś pojazd ?


Today I'm ready for next step in my journey with that interesting kit. In just a moment I will try to end it, just few elements needed. Also I still try to find idea for cargo box. Maybe some vehicle ?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Zwycięzca -model miesiąca na Armoramie/Armorama DMOM winner


Udało mi się znów zwyciężyć w konkursie DMOM organizowanym na stronie ARMORAMA.COM
Dzięki wszystkim, którzy zagłosowali ma mój model.



I won again monthly contest on ARMORAMA.COM - Dragon Model of the Month. Thank for the votes !

Monday, August 16, 2010

Następny krok - tył / Next step - rear

Wróciłem do pracy nad modelem Mercedesa. Nadal nie wiem jaki ładunek na nim się znajdzie. Również poszukuje szyn, gdyż nie odnalazłem takowych w warsztacie. Kabina została zamontowania już na ramie.


I've returned to work on Mercedes model. I still don't know what kind of load I use. Also I still searching a rails. Cab was mounted on chassis.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I po urlopie... / After holiday leave...

Czołem !
Tym razem w ramach powrotu do codzienności po urlopie wykonałem model Sd.Kfz 251/1 Ausf.D w skali 1:72. Jak widać oznaczenia z Powstania Warszawskiego 1944 roku. Transporter został nazwany "Starówka".


Hi !
This time after holiday leave I built model of Sd.Kfz 251/1 Ausf.D in 1:72 scale. As you can see, I use markings from Warsaw Uprising 1944. Transporter was called "Starówka".

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Prawie gotowa / nearly ready

Kolejny etap pracy na modelem. Kabina po wszelkich łoszach, obiciach, zaciekach itp. Jeszcze kilka elementów muszę poprawić i będzie dobrze.


Next step of building that model. Cabin after all chippings, washes and weathering. I must improve some details, but now it's going good, I hope.

Friday, July 30, 2010

On the desk: Mercedes L4500 Railcar

Kilka dni temu rozpocząłem klejenie modelu Mercedes L4500. Użyłem konwersji firmy Plusmodel, dzięki temu wykonam bardzo oryginalną wersję szynową. Rama gotowa, aktualnie zajmuję się kabiną. Mam nadzieje, że dziś zostanie zobiona w 100 %.


I've started Mercedes L4500 (Zvezda kit) few days ago. Using Plusmodel's conversion I will build rail-truck. Now chassis is ready, cabin interior too. In next few hours I will try to paint cabin overall, do washes, chipping. And finally mount cabin with engine on the chassis.