Monday, April 20, 2015

Moson 2015 !!

Just back after Mosonshow 2015 in Hungary... Biggest and greatest model show in my whole carrier... This time I haven't much time to talk with all my friends... however I meet most of them for even short shake of hand :) It was pleasure to meet guys from facebook. Thank you for visiting my stand. 
And what is also important for me - I get one Gold and one Bronze for my StuG III and UAZ-452 :)

THANKS ALL and see you next year !!

Friday, April 3, 2015

part I... got it !!

My first book already received !! I'm very proud and happy :)

Thursday, April 2, 2015

"Panzer Guide Part II" soon !

Przemysław Mrożek 
"Panzer Guide - Part "I"
Beute FT-17

Complete guide of painting & weathering Beute FT-17
40 pages of high quality photos & many tips and advices.
Hard cover
Language - English

Release date - end of April 2015
pre-orders here:

"Panzer Guide - Part I" Sd.Kfz 254 soon available...

Blitz Creations 
"Panzer Guide - Part I"
Sd.Kfz 254

Complete guide of painting & weathering Sd.Kfz 254
40 pages of high quality photos & many tips and advices.
Hard cover
Language - English

Shipping date 15.04.2015
pre-orders here: